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SQL for Data Analysis | Udacity Online Learning
2 years ago

SQL for Data Analysis

In this course, youÕll learn to use Structured Query Language (SQL) to extract and analyze data stored in databases. YouÕll first learn to extract data, join tables together, and perform aggregations. Then youÕll learn to do more complex analysis and manipulations using subqueries, temp tables, and window functions. By the end of the course, youÕll be able to write efficient SQL queries to successfully handle a variety of data analysis tasks.
Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch by Facebook Artificial Intelligence | Udacity Online Learning
In this course, youÕll learn the basics of deep learning, and build your own deep neural networks using PyTorch. YouÕll get practical experience with PyTorch through coding exercises and projects implementing state-of-the-art AI applications such as style transfer and text generation.
Introducton to TensorFlow Lite by TensorFlow Lite | Udacity Online Learning
Learn how to deploy deep learning models on mobile and embedded devices with TensorFlow Lite. This course was developed by the TensorFlow team and Udacity as a practical approach to model deployment for software developers. You'll get hands-on experience with the TensorFlow Lite framework as you deploy deep learning models on Android, iOS, and even an embedded Linux platform. By the end of this course, you'll have all the skills necessary to start deploying your own deep learning models into your apps.
Intro to Data Analysis | Udacity Online Learning
2 years ago

Intro to Data Analysis

This course will introduce you to the world of data analysis. You'll learn how to go through the entire data analysis process, which includes posing a question, wrangling your data into a format you can use and fixing any problems with it, exploring the data, finding patterns in it, and building your intuition about it, drawing conclusions and/or making predictions, and communicating your findings. You'll also learn how to use the Python libraries NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib to write code that's cleaner, more concise, and runs faster.
Intro to TensorFlow for Deep Learning by TensorFlow | Udacity Online Learning
This course was developed by the TensorFlow team and Udacity as a practical approach to deep learning for software developers. You'll get hands-on experience building your own state-of-the-art image classifiers and other deep learning models. You'll also use your TensorFlow models in the real world on mobile devices, in the cloud, and in browsers. Finally, you'll use advanced techniques and algorithms to work with large datasets. By the end of this course, you'll have all the skills necessary to start creating your own AI applications.
Intro to Machine Learning | Udacity Online Learning
2 years ago

Intro to Machine Learning

This is a class that will teach you the end-to-end process of investigating data through a machine learning lens. It will teach you how to extract and identify useful features that best represent your data, a few of the most important machine learning algorithms, and how to evaluate the performance of your machine learning algorithms.
Version Control with Git | Udacity Online Learning
2 years ago

Version Control with Git

This course covers the essentials of using the version control system Git. You'll be able to create a new Git repo, commit changes, and review the commit history of an existing repo. You'll also learn how to keep your commits organized using tags and branches and you'll master the art of merging changes by crushing those pesky merge conflicts. Oh no! Was a mistake made along the way? Learn how to edit commits, revert changes, or even delete commits.
Introduction to Python Programming | Udacity Online Learning
In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of the Python programming language, along with programming best practices. YouÕll learn to represent and store data using Python data types and variables, and use conditionals and loops to control the flow of your programs. YouÕll harness the power of complex data structures like lists, sets, dictionaries, and tuples to store collections of related data. YouÕll define and document your own custom functions, write scripts, and handle errors. Lastly, youÕll learn to find and use modules in the Python Standad Library and other third-party libraries.
Data Visualization with Tableau | Udacity Online Learning
Learn the fundamentals of data visualization and practice communicating with data. This course covers how to apply design principles, human perception, color theory, and effective storytelling with data. If you present data to others, aspire to be a business analyst or data scientist, or if youÕd like to become more effective with visualization tools, then you can grow your skills with this course.
Firebase in a Weekend: Android by Google | Udacity Online Learning
In this course, youÕll learn how to use Firebase. Firebase is app development platform that provides developers a variety of tools and a scalable infrastructure to build high quality apps.WeÕll begin by showing you how easy it is to read and write almost any data to Firebase. After that, weÕll teach you how to allow users to login, have data associated with them and send them notifications. YouÕll learn how to use FirebaseÕs Security and Rules language to secure and add permissions to your data. By the end of this course you will have an Android application that can store and share data between different users in real time as well as authenticate and authorize those users.
AWS Machine Learning Foundations Course | Udacity Online Learning
Study machine learning techniques and algorithms, programming best practices, python coding, and Amazon AI Services and Amazon AI Devices, including Amazon SageMaker and Amazon DeepComposer. The foundations course is intended to help developers of all skill levels get started with machine learning.
Intro to Statistics | Udacity Online Learning
2 years ago

Intro to Statistics

Statistics is about extracting meaning from data. In this class, we will introduce techniques for visualizing relationships in data and systematic techniques for understanding the relationships using mathematics.
Intro to HTML and CSS | Udacity Online Learning
2 years ago

Intro to HTML and CSS

Throughout this course, you'll learn about the underlying structure of the web - HTML. You'll learn how to use this tree-like structure to create websites. You'll also learn how to apply styling to a website through CSS. You'll learn about CSS syntax, selectors, and units. Along the way, you'll also learn about code editors and a browser's Developer Tools.
Design of Everyday Things | Udacity Online Learning
2 years ago

Design of Everyday Things

This course provides a summary of key concepts from the first two chapters of The Design of Everyday Things (Revised and Expanded Edition, November 2013) by Don Norman. ItÕs intended to be enjoyable and informative for anyone curious about design: everyday people, technical people, designers, and non-designers alike.
How to Build A Startup | Udacity Online Learning
2 years ago

How to Build A Startup

The main idea in this course is learning how to rapidly develop and test ideas by gathering massive amounts of customer and marketplace feedback. Many startups fail by not validating their ideas early on with real-life customers. In order to mitigate that, students will learn how to get out of the building and search for the real pain points and unmet needs of customers. Only with these can the entrepreneur find a proper solution and establish a suitable business model.
Intro to Artificial Intelligence | Udacity Online Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that has a long history but is still constantly and actively growing and changing. In this course, youÕll learn the basics of modern AI as well as some of the representative applications of AI. Along the way, we also hope to excite you about the numerous applications and huge possibilities in the field of AI, which continues to expand human capability beyond our imagination.
Artificial Intelligence for Robotics | Udacity Online Learning
Learn how to program all the major systems of a robotic car from the leader of Google and Stanford's autonomous driving teams. This class will teach you basic methods in Artificial Intelligence, including: probabilistic inference, planning and search, localization, tracking and control, all with a focus on robotics. Extensive programming examples and assignments will apply these methods in the context of building self-driving cars.
Intro to Algorithms | Udacity Online Learning
2 years ago

Intro to Algorithms

Ever played the Kevin Bacon game? This class will show you how it works by giving you an introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms, enabling you to discover how individuals are connected.
Software Testing | Udacity Online Learning
2 years ago

Software Testing

When writing software, destruction can be just as valuable as creation. Learn how to catch bugs and break software as you discover different testing methods that will help you build better software.
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